Project Results

Project Results

1-      Digital course modules for IoT as a profession

The learning environment has been improved by supporting cooperation and teamwork. -Innovative and modern IoT course modules suitable for real life and labor market were developed;

–          Teachers and students gained innovative knowledge and skills in the field of IoT technologies
–          Digital talents were integrated into VET with IoT course modules.
–           The qualified students needed were trained and adapted to the labor market.
–           Transferable Potential: The contents of the developed teaching modules are accessible to everyone. Public license will be applied. Give an idea to another project. It can also be used in in-service training of institutions.

2-      AI-supported modern assessment platform
Using digital technologies for formative and summarizing evaluation;

– Increase the diversity and suitability of assessment formats and approaches.
– Create, select, critically analyze, and interpret digital evidence on student activity, performance, and progress to inform teaching and learning.
– Using digital technologies to provide targeted and timely feedback to students.
– Adoption of teaching strategies and providing targeted support based on the evidence produced by the digital technologies used.
3-      Gamification-Based Distance Learning Platform for IoT teaching and assessment
Our project is quite innovative, as there is no similar or equivalent study to our teaching material to be developed entirely student-centered. Our classical educational methods and approaches have become unable to meet the systems and needs we are in, and have opened the door to mandatory change and development.

“Gamification”, conceptualized as teaching by entertaining psychologically, the human brain accepts an action it does with love more quickly into its life. By making the subjects taught to students in the field of education fun, the learning time is shortened and the periods of Oblivion are extended.

Retrospective recall occurs much faster. Playing games is the process of converting regular activities in the classroom into a game. With gamification, which becomes a resource that helps strengthen the content of the course, the potential for learning reaches higher levels. In-class teamwork and collaboration increase with gamification technique.

Sometimes students may struggle with each other or cooperate very closely, as a result, the level of learning will be at the highest levels for the student either way. This project is innovative because it is the first project to teach artificial intelligence by applying gamification techniques.Gutentor Advanced Text